1.Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares; how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?
The teacher-student relationship between students and educators is a special relationship connection, in which educators are mainly on the “guiding” side, while students are on the “guided” side. The foundation of the teacher-student relationship is trust and authentic information sources, and the relationship of trust is a necessary condition for the dissemination of thoughts and ideas in educational discourse. The relationship between teachers and students is not fixed but fluctuated. In the process of teaching, students can also be in the “guiding” side, and the new ideas and concepts put forward by students based on their own personal learning networks can also promote the self-reflection of educators. In addition, communication between educators and educators is also part of the dissemination of educational discourse. Sharing and discussing credible sources of knowledge can help spread thoughts and ideas more effectively. Of course, the personal learning network also has some aspects that hinder the spread of ideas. The personal learning network itself is inert, and once formed, it is not easy to change, which will lead to the limited dissemination and receiving range of information, and it is not easy to accept the information outside the personal learning network.
2.How do educators create discourse?
Educators use authoritative teaching materials and books to teach, conduct in-depth analysis and explanation of the essence in lectures, and organize students to have group discussion and cooperation, so that each member of the group can express their own thoughts and concepts, and fully absorb what educators want to convey.
3.What is the role of social media in education?
Social media provides a platform for students and educators to communicate and share. Compared with the traditional communication methods between students and educators, social media has the advantages of long-distance teaching and timely response. Educators can update the changes of educational progress more flexibly and spread thoughts and ideas more widely
4.What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?
In social media communication, one of the biggest problems occurring in the process of digital education is “sense of distance”, the “sense of distance” will affect the quality of teaching, compared to the reality of face-to-face communication, digital education will let each other come out with a sense of unreality. The sense of unreality will make educators and students feel defensive between each other, and then affect the quality of receiving and spreading knowledge.
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