1.Managing Social Media

Sophie louis mentioned in the video that she presents herself differently on twitter and Instagram (Sophie, 2022). She is more inclined to show her ideas and events that she focused on twitter (Sophie, 2022). In Instagram, she mostly shares her life, such as daily diet, friends she meets and so on (Sophie, 2022). I think it’s a great way to manage social media and have your life and career represented on different social media platforms (Sophie, 2022).

2.Risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space

When public figures show themselves to the public, their remarks are more likely to be spread and recognized, thus showing social influence. However, at the same time, they are always confronted with doubts and verbal violence. Sophie louis once encountered sexism, even if the cause was just her avant-garde short hair (Sophie, 2022). She also said that if other female public figures were subjected to similar discrimination and attacks, she would be willing to stand behind her and be a part of the resistance (Sophie, 2022). Sophie louis said the idea is not only to help others, but also to get more support when she is being discriminated against and attacked (Sophie, 2022).

3.Negative replies and critiques

Sophie louis always receives a lot of letters on twitter, some of which have good communication and suggestions, but there are also criticisms and malicious verbal violence (Sophie, 2022). Her mood is often affected by these unfriendly letters, and even the frequency of her comments on twitter is decreasing (Sophie, 2022). However, she does not choose to block these letters (Sophie, 2022). She felt that this would satisfy the unfriendly people (Sophie, 2022). Sometimes she would reflect on some of her practices from the letters and make some changes (Sophie, 2022).


MILLER. (2022, June 6). Sophie Lui – Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfcXgKLzOVM